Joseph M.

In January 2013, Joseph M. was involved in a tree-cutting accident. The injuries he sustained were so significant that he was unable to work. Medical bills piled up from the accident, and without a steady income, he struggled to pay his mortgage.
Joseph applied for Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund mortgage payment assistance at the Home Ownership Center of Greater Cincinnati, Inc., an agency that helps southeastern Indiana homeowners. He was approved for Hardest Hit Fund assistance in August 2013, and was able to keep his home.
Below is a letter from Joseph’s sister, sharing how Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund helped.
January 3, 2015
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter to express to you how grateful we are for the service and help that your organization has provided to us. This story began on January 24, 2013, when my brother, Joseph L. M., was involved in a horrible tree-cutting accident. He spent 7 weeks in the intensive care unit at University Hospital in Louisville, KY, and then 10 weeks in a rehabilitation center in his hometown of Corydon, IN.
Early into this nightmare we were made aware of Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund foreclosure prevention program. It has truly been a lifesaver for Joseph. We were put into contact with Indiana program coordinator and counselor Jonathan Bates in Cincinnati, OH. He helped us navigate this process from the very dark and scary beginning until Joseph qualified for your help, and continued receiving your help until the program ended for him in November 2014.
Thanks to your program—and the help and service that you and counselors like Jonathan Bates provide—Joseph was able to keep his beloved home. On top of all of his medical bills and physical struggles, he was so afraid that he would lose his home. You truly helped to save his life and give him the help, HOPE and comfort that he needed during this devastating time.
It is with great pleasure and heartfelt sincerity that we write this letter to your organization to tell you how grateful and thankful we are that this program exists. We hope that this program can continue for others who truly are the Hardest Hit.
Thank you so much,
Patty C. and Joseph L. M.
January 27, 2013
3 days after Joseph's accident
Summer 2014, 18 months after the accident
Joseph and his son, Avery
Summer 2014, 18 months after the accident
Joseph and his son standing in front of their home