Jacqueline S.

Jacqueline S., an Army veteran, has lived in her three-bedroom, ranch-style home for nearly 30 years. It’s where she raised her children and it continues to be the center for countless family memories. So you can imagine how she felt when she lost her job as a unit secretary and faced the uncertainty of how she would continue making her mortgage payments.
Although she worked a seasonal job and received unemployment, Jacqueline struggled to find full-time employment. However, her faith and determination allowed her to continue living in her home despite serious financial trouble that lasted several years.
One day, as Jacqueline was on her knees praying, she received a phone call from a friend who told her about Indiana’s Hardest Hit Fund (HHF). Jacqueline called the HHF Help Line, and was connected with the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, an Indiana Foreclosure Prevention Network partner, to help her through the application process.
“They were friendly and professional from start to finish, and I highly recommend their intervention on your behalf,” said Jacqueline.
Jacqueline qualified for the Hardest Hit Fund, and was approved to receive two years of mortgage payment assistance.
“If it weren’t for the Hardest Hit Fund, I would’ve gone into foreclosure,” said Jacqueline. “The HHF team helped me save my home.”
Although her financial assistance is complete and she is still searching for a full-time job, Jacqueline has been busy. She is enrolled in Goodwill’s training program, and is developing her writing skills. She also launched Dorcas Ministry International in which she sews pillowcase dresses and matching doll clothes for refurbished dolls, and sends them to needy children around the world. To date, she has sent over 21 dresses to Africa and 12 dolls to Honduras.
“Thank you to everyone at the HHF,” says Jacqueline. “I’d recommend that anyone who is struggling with their mortgage to give the Hardest Hit Fund a call.”